Friday, December 14, 2012

Thoughts and Prayers to Connecticut

This is a sad day people.

I was sitting down for dinner today, when the local news showed footage of a shooting at a school in Newtown, Connecticut. An elementary school.

Immediately, after hearing the news that at least 18 kids were killed by a crazy guys with two handguns, I thought I was going to be sick. That someone could do this to a bunch of little kids just blows my mind. It's unfathomable.

And so close to Christmas too. It's heartwrenching, and I can't imagine what the families of these young children are going through. No one should EVER have to go through something like this.

My thoughts and prayers are with the families of all the victims of this horrible event. I urge you to join in with your prayers.

And to the shooter, as you rot in hell, I hope you are proud of yourself. In taking all these innocent lives with you, you are now easily one of the most hated men to ever walk this Earth.


Until Next Time...:'(


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