Saturday, December 22, 2012

2012 Year in Review Part 2: This Was the Year I...

Welcome to Part 2 of my 2012 Year in Review! With this post, I'm going to highlight some of the big things that happened to me this year.

2012 was the year I... Got a Cellphone and a New Car.
Before this year, I was still not quite connected to the world. And so, I finally decided that the time had come to buy a cellphone.
So that's what I did. :)
Also, I had finally had enough of my old car continually clunking around, and so I purchased a new car that is much better! :)

2012 was the year I... Saw 'The Avengers.'
I saw it six times in a theater, even road-tripping all the way to Sumner with Bob to watch it. Do I regret seeing it so many times? No. And if you still haven't seen it, well you're only punishing yourself. :p

2012 was the year I... Unfortunately Learned I Really Can't Trust Anybody.
I used to be a naive person, and believed almost everything anybody would tell me. This year, however, I caught more people in lies than I ever had before. The saddest part was that most of these people I counted as friends, so I guess I can't even trust my friends. How sad is that?

2012 was the year I... Really Started Listening to More Music!
As some of you know, I used to be a straight-up, country music fan all the way. Over the past few years, I've broadened my horizons a little bit, and started listening to more pop and such. The most amazing thing was, that i recently read through all the song titles on a NOW CD, and I actually knew ALL of the songs on it just by the title. For me, that's pretty freaking awesome!!
Oh, and favorite song for the year, you ask. Check back, next post! :p

2012 was the year I...Decided to Read 100 Novels I had Never Read.
That may seem like a pretty miserable goal, but it's one that I thought seemed realistic for me. I don't have as much time to read as I would like, but I still find plenty of time for it.
As for whether I reached my goal: The year isn't over yet. I currently haev completed 94 books, so my goal is still possible, but getting more and more unlikely as the days pass.

2012 was the year I...Returned to Cedar Rapids.
This probably isn't a big deal to most of you, but before this past October, it had been nearly ten years since I had last been in the city of Cedar Rapids! My Co-Assistant Manager was kind enough to let me hitch a ride with them to go to Cedar Rapids, where I promptly bought...books. A ton of them. :p Half Price Books is by far one of my favorite stores ever!
And I ate at Arby's for the first time, so that was cool.

2012 was the year I...Revived this Blog! :)
This blog that your currently reading, was first published in January of 2011, and I promptly forgot about it.
Back in May, I came across it again, and started to write posts for it again, eventually posting on Facebook and Twitter when I updated it. Thanks to doing this, and the increasing number of Facebook friends using Blogger, my blog has continued to increase in pageviews, and I want to thank you all again for making it possible! I hope you keep on checking in throughout the new year! :)

Until Next Time...;)

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