Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Poet Within...

Someone asked me
to take poetry
and make a post
for them to read.

I knew it'd be hard
to rhyme the whole post
so I decided I would
rhyme the whole thing...almost.

So, poetry. It was my senior year in high school, when I discovered a hidden talent of rhyming words. I know, its hard to believe a guy like me would write poetry. I was sure I had no talent in this field, but that quickly changed. All because of a Creative Writing assignment, that I took to the next level...

Writing a poem
Is as painful as heartbreak
I must stop soon
For goodness sake

I remember a poem
We had to write for Ms. Stott
I told her 'I'm not a poet!
No, I am not.'

That didn't stop the assignment
We got it anyway
So now I sit and wonder
Do you think I got an A?

So please, enough of this
I'm tired of poems and rhyme
It's time to move on
I'm tired of wasting time.

This was one of the first actual poems I wrote that I can be proud of. But it is not, in my opinion, the best poem I've ever written. That honor would probably go to this next poem, which appeared in the Clayton County Register, and was also published in a poetry collection as part of a contest I entered.

Read the Headlines
to see the news.
Look inside, and you may see
an ad for brand new shoes.

See political cartoons
that make you scratch your head.
Turn to the Obituaries
and see who all is dead.

Flip through the sports
to see who the winners are.
Head for the classifieds
and find your dream car.

The puzzles are dandy.
The comics are funny.
Turn to the weather
to see if it's sunny.

Twenty four, seven
three sixty five
Read the newspaper
every day you're alive.

After graduation, I continued to write poetry every once in a while, including some heartbreak poetry. Yes, I went there. :p Most of these came after the events of "The Most Personal Blog Post I'll Most likely ever write." Here's an example:

There's one wish
I wish was real:
Sometimes I wish
my heart was steel.
It'd never break.
It would always shine.
Unlike the heart
that's currently mine.
Of all the heartbreak poems I've written though, (and bekieve me there has been a few) This next one, my most recent effort, has to be one of my favorites. It just seemed to come out near perfect:

Here’s a dollar for the memories
That you and I have made.
Here’s a dollar for the love we had
That now has gone away.
Here’s a dollar for the man
Who now gets to hold you.
Here’s a dollar for everything
We put each other through.
There’s one more dollar, I’d like to exchange:
For the remnants of my broken heart:
Here’s a dollar, keep the change.
Well, there you have it readers. As requested through Facebook, a blog post about my poetry. I hope you all enjoy it, and if you want to hear/read more, just contact me at my place of work, or leave a comment down below.
I leave you now, with one more short poem that sums up the whole blog post you've just read:

Tell me now
Is it a crime
to write a short
and pointless rhyme?

Until Next Time...:)

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