Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Little Bit Weird

People say I'm weird.

They're not lying. I'll be the first to admit that I can be a little out there. Aren't we all though? Anybody who says they are normal, is obviously not. Normality is weird. Imagine that.

Everybody has weird things happen to them. It just so happens, that the last week (or so) of my life has been more weird than usual, and getting weirder by the day.

For example, the book I'm currently reading ("Last Call" by Tim Powers), is epically strange. Im currently 200 pages in, and I'm just as lost as I was on page one. Apparently, the main character lost his soul during a poker game, and now they are coming to collect. And apparently, they can switch bodies. That's not weird at all though, right?

Last night, I watched the movie 'Snow White and the Huntsman.' This too was a rather strange experience. It's a very different telling of Snow White than I remember. It was still a good movie, but just weird.

Dreams have been another thing lately. I've been waking up to the strangest dreams the last few nights. For example: On Sunday night I woke up from this dream: I was walking down a gravel road to a mall. (Don't ask me why the mall was located on a gravel road, I don't know.) When I arrived at the mall, it was fairly empty, and I don't mean just people wise. The stores had nothing in them. They only had a few items. (The Best Buy, which is where most of the dream took place, only had four TV's for sale, and nothing else o_0)

Apparently, a murder had taken place in the mall, and the detectives (played by my theater co-workers Kari and Renee) were attempting to solve it. All in all, another bit of weirdness to my week.

To wrap it up, a song's been stuck in my head all week as well. What makes this strange is that this song is from the 80's movie 'Short Circuit.' Nothing against 'Short Circuit,' but I haven't seen the movie in years. Why would this song all of a sudden decide to enter my head??? Check it out below.

Until Next Time...:)

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