Saturday, September 29, 2012

RR: Red Cars, Real Music, Ridiculous Dreams, and Random Requests

Welcome to another edition of RR (Random Ramblings for those of you who are new here). I've got a lot to get to today, so lets get started.

Ridiculous Dreams
So, a few weeks ago I told you about a rather weird dream I recently had. Well, about a week ago I had one that makes the other dream seem normal. I was in McGregor (which is weird enough, since I very rarely go to McGregor) and I was looking to buy two things: A bag of fifty hamburger buns and a cannon to launch said buns.


Don't ask me what that was all about. It seemed to make perfect sense in my dream. The only bad thing was, I woke up before I could test the cannon, so my question is...Is it possible to launch hamburger buns with a cannon????

Red Cars
I've driven the 2001 Silver Chevy Cavalier since my senior year in high school. In other words, I drove in that same car for six years, and it was starting to show. The car had obvioulsy seen better days.

So, I bought myself a new car. The picture to your right is what I now have: A red 2005 Dodge Stratus. So, if you see me driving this car around town, be sure to wave! :)

Real Music
The movie theater where I work has over the last few months been playing the most god-awful music during the pre-show. It doesn't even count as music. All it did was make you feel like you were trapped in an elevator. Forever. Never ending.

My bosses have finally, however, given us back "real" music. As in the kind of stuff you hear on the radio. Plus, last week when we were playing "The Odd Life of Timothy Green" (good movie by the way) I found myself a new favorite song, thanks to the credits. Enjoy!

Random Requests
Finally, I'm taking your requests!! What do you want me to ramble about? Give me a good topic and I'llramble randomly on it. Leave your requests below, as well as any feedback you may have. I look forward to it!

Until Next Time...:)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Poet Within...

Someone asked me
to take poetry
and make a post
for them to read.

I knew it'd be hard
to rhyme the whole post
so I decided I would
rhyme the whole thing...almost.

So, poetry. It was my senior year in high school, when I discovered a hidden talent of rhyming words. I know, its hard to believe a guy like me would write poetry. I was sure I had no talent in this field, but that quickly changed. All because of a Creative Writing assignment, that I took to the next level...

Writing a poem
Is as painful as heartbreak
I must stop soon
For goodness sake

I remember a poem
We had to write for Ms. Stott
I told her 'I'm not a poet!
No, I am not.'

That didn't stop the assignment
We got it anyway
So now I sit and wonder
Do you think I got an A?

So please, enough of this
I'm tired of poems and rhyme
It's time to move on
I'm tired of wasting time.

This was one of the first actual poems I wrote that I can be proud of. But it is not, in my opinion, the best poem I've ever written. That honor would probably go to this next poem, which appeared in the Clayton County Register, and was also published in a poetry collection as part of a contest I entered.

Read the Headlines
to see the news.
Look inside, and you may see
an ad for brand new shoes.

See political cartoons
that make you scratch your head.
Turn to the Obituaries
and see who all is dead.

Flip through the sports
to see who the winners are.
Head for the classifieds
and find your dream car.

The puzzles are dandy.
The comics are funny.
Turn to the weather
to see if it's sunny.

Twenty four, seven
three sixty five
Read the newspaper
every day you're alive.

After graduation, I continued to write poetry every once in a while, including some heartbreak poetry. Yes, I went there. :p Most of these came after the events of "The Most Personal Blog Post I'll Most likely ever write." Here's an example:

There's one wish
I wish was real:
Sometimes I wish
my heart was steel.
It'd never break.
It would always shine.
Unlike the heart
that's currently mine.
Of all the heartbreak poems I've written though, (and bekieve me there has been a few) This next one, my most recent effort, has to be one of my favorites. It just seemed to come out near perfect:

Here’s a dollar for the memories
That you and I have made.
Here’s a dollar for the love we had
That now has gone away.
Here’s a dollar for the man
Who now gets to hold you.
Here’s a dollar for everything
We put each other through.
There’s one more dollar, I’d like to exchange:
For the remnants of my broken heart:
Here’s a dollar, keep the change.
Well, there you have it readers. As requested through Facebook, a blog post about my poetry. I hope you all enjoy it, and if you want to hear/read more, just contact me at my place of work, or leave a comment down below.
I leave you now, with one more short poem that sums up the whole blog post you've just read:

Tell me now
Is it a crime
to write a short
and pointless rhyme?

Until Next Time...:)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Little Bit Weird

People say I'm weird.

They're not lying. I'll be the first to admit that I can be a little out there. Aren't we all though? Anybody who says they are normal, is obviously not. Normality is weird. Imagine that.

Everybody has weird things happen to them. It just so happens, that the last week (or so) of my life has been more weird than usual, and getting weirder by the day.

For example, the book I'm currently reading ("Last Call" by Tim Powers), is epically strange. Im currently 200 pages in, and I'm just as lost as I was on page one. Apparently, the main character lost his soul during a poker game, and now they are coming to collect. And apparently, they can switch bodies. That's not weird at all though, right?

Last night, I watched the movie 'Snow White and the Huntsman.' This too was a rather strange experience. It's a very different telling of Snow White than I remember. It was still a good movie, but just weird.

Dreams have been another thing lately. I've been waking up to the strangest dreams the last few nights. For example: On Sunday night I woke up from this dream: I was walking down a gravel road to a mall. (Don't ask me why the mall was located on a gravel road, I don't know.) When I arrived at the mall, it was fairly empty, and I don't mean just people wise. The stores had nothing in them. They only had a few items. (The Best Buy, which is where most of the dream took place, only had four TV's for sale, and nothing else o_0)

Apparently, a murder had taken place in the mall, and the detectives (played by my theater co-workers Kari and Renee) were attempting to solve it. All in all, another bit of weirdness to my week.

To wrap it up, a song's been stuck in my head all week as well. What makes this strange is that this song is from the 80's movie 'Short Circuit.' Nothing against 'Short Circuit,' but I haven't seen the movie in years. Why would this song all of a sudden decide to enter my head??? Check it out below.

Until Next Time...:)

Monday, September 3, 2012

23 Random Facts About Me

This past June, I turned 23. Yes, I am indeed that old. I decided to take this blog post and list 23 random facts about myself, since I never really introduced myself like all these other blogs I read now. So, here goes...

1. I REALLY am 23. That means, that when I go to Wal-Mart and buy an R-rated movie, you don't need to card me. I'm older than 17 people. You're just embarrasing yourself when you ask me to show you my ID.

2. I had two older twin brothers who died as infants. One was stillborn, the other died about three months after he was born. They would be 26 now if they were still alive. But since my Mom and Dad only wanted two kids, if they were alive, I probably wouldn't be here. You wouldn't be reading this blog.

3. When I was in high school, I participated in one sport: Track. I have great respect for anybody who can run Track (I couldn't). I'm not that athletic, and I'm guessing thats why Track seems like one sport too many in high school.

4. I have an exceptionally good memory...for pointless information. On a good day, I can tell you what movie was playing at the theater a year ago. Sometimes longer.

5. I like to read... A LOT! Regular readers of my blog already know this, but I figured I'd share it with you here anyway. I mostly like the 'Urban Fantasy' or 'Thriller' genres.

6. At home, I talk to myself quite frequently. Some people would say I'm crazy. I say it's because its the only intellegent conversation I can have on some days.

7. I'm not a night person. Never have been. This past year I didn't even stay up until midnight on New Years Eve. The main reason for not staying up late, however, is...

8. My social life sucks. My old friends from High School only want to go drinking. The people I call friends now probably think I'm just an acquaintance, but whatever.

9. Thanks to the Creative Writing class I took in my Senior year, I found I have a talent for poetry. I just need to find someone to read it now...

10. Besides poetry, I also write longer stories/novels. I'm currently sitting on a manuscript for a novel, but haven't worked up the courage to send it off yet to a publisher. Maybe I will, someday soon.

11. Ever since i got my job at the theater, I've had a great love for movies. I have seen so many movies that were better than I thought they'd be, and I've seen a bunch that were, in the words of Stephen King: "Cinematic Dog Vomit."

12. I don't eat Pizza or drink Pop. I know. There's something wrong with me. Believe me, I've heard it many times.

13. I've had nine stitches in my life. Four under my eye from a barbed wire fence, and five down my forehead from a car door. That's right, I have a scar on my forehead. I guess I must be Harry Potter. :p

14. Speaking of Harry Potter, I loathe the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Harry Potter movies, because in my opinion, they're horrible adaptions. The 5th movie especially pisses me off, but we won't get into that.

15. Also about Mr. Potter, When I was younger, it took me nearly two months to read the first Harry Potter book. When the seventh book came out, I read it in two days. Somewhere along the line, I became a faster reader.

16. I grow a garden, but my garden mostly consists of green beans because they're really easy to grow. Hey, I didn't say I was an expert.

17. I don't enjoy Public Speaking. It's not really my thing. Obviously, they hated me in school because they put me in the Public Speaking class my senior year. With no other place to go, I was stuck. Yep, they hated me at Central.

18. When I was younger and stupider, My cousin and i got the genius stupid idea to try to play Quiditch (yes, another Harry potter reference) on bicycles. It didn't quite work. Who'd have thought throwing a ball at eachother while riding a bike would be dangerous?

19. Abed Nadir is my role model. No, I don't care if he's just a character from a TV show. (A very funny TV show called "Community." More on that in a future post.)

20. I collect rocks. Yes, you read correctly. Rocks. Don't be hatin'. Don't forget that with said rocks, I can stone my haters to death. (Not that i would do that, but you know what I mean.)

21. I do this little thing once a year called the Epic Quest. It's pretty much just a hike through the woods near my house with others I don't know all that well, but it's a good way to get to know people.

22. Music wise, I used to only listen to country music. (Yes, I'm one of 'those' people) In the last few years, however, I've really opened up to other kinds of music. I'm not really as picky anymore.

23. I still don't really know if people are really reading this blog. That's what the comments section is for! Let me know what you think people, or if theres anything you think I should ramble on about.

Until Next Time...:)