Saturday, April 13, 2013

When Spring Sprung

The weather had finally started to get nice the last few weeks. Warm air had moved in, and the snow finally melted, leading me to believe that the dark winter had passed, and that Spring had sprung.

As I write this post, however, the dreaded s-word is once again being mentioned. F* you, Mother Nature. We get it. You're in charge. Now, can it be nice, please?

This past week it has rained nearly every day. This hasn't really bothered me, since we're still suffering from last summer/fall when we were in the midst of a drought. I'm not even mad that they have rain predicted every day next week. I'm bummed because, a little sun in between would be nice. Just saying.

All this spare time has proven to be very beneficial to me, however. I've finally found time to do some much needed cleaning. I have a lot of excess crap in my closet and such that really needs to go. So, for the last few days, I've been pitching stuff into the nearest garbage can, or putting it in a seperate pile of it is salvagable. Most of these salvagable items are books that will make a 'hopeful' trip to Cedar Rapids to a Half-Price Bookstore.

Where I will then proceed to buy more.

Man, it's a neverending cycle.

This is the main reason, that I've neglected the blog for so long. I've just been busy with cleaning and working at the theater. I decided to take a break from said cleaning tonight just to let all of you know I'm still alive.

Although, if this whole North Korea thing doesn't get resolved, none of us may be alive. :( And just for giggles, this is what must be done in North Korea to save the world:

Ahhh, if only it was that simple. This could indeed turn out ot be an interesting spring.

If it has indeed sprung. :p

Until Next Time...:)


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