Thursday, November 15, 2012

Trying to Decide What to Write

So, it's been a while since I wrote a blog post, and it's been even longer for the blogs I follow. What's up people? I know you're all still out there living your lives, so you must have something interesting to write about, right?

Or maybe, God forbid, you're like me, and have no clue what to write for this blog post. So you simply sit at your computer and attempt to just wing it, and pull a blog post of absolute randomness out of thin air.

Seeing as this blog is called 'Random Ramblings,' it shouldn't be too hard, so here we go:

It's less then a week until Thanksgiving, in which all of us, or at least most of us, will be sitting down with family and then proceed to stuff our faces. :) Gotta love food!

Then, we roll into Christmas. Or do we? The world is supposed to end on December 21st after all. Maybe we won't make it to Christmas? In which case, me writing this blog, and you reading it, seems like a waste of time.

I personally don't think the world is going to end. I could be wrong, I'm not a scientist after all, but I don't want to be unprepared either. Therefore, I've been trying to apologize to people I've hurt, in some way or another. Trying to make a few more memories with special people, just in case this is the end.

Acually, I wish I was doing that. I'm actually looking forward to the Christmas season like everyone else, and everything that comes after.

Yes, I know this was a short post, but I think it still tops some of my earlier ones in length. :p I'll do better next time.

Until Next Time...:)

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