Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 19th=A State if Mind

Friday, October 19th.

It had the makings of a glorious night on television. It was set to be the season premiere of my favorite show on TV right now: Community!

However, I didn't get to watch the show.

Why? Because NBC had the glorious idea to postpone the show. Apparently, other comedies on their network are not performing very well, and they want to save 'Community' to fill a future hole.

This pisses me off because I was really looking forward to watching 'Community' tonight. I could go on and on about why I'm mad and what I think of NBC's decision...

But, I think Senor Chang sums it up best...

So, you can imagine I was pretty pissed that my favorite show was being delayed indefinitely. However, on October 19th, a video was released to YouTube ofthe cast attempting to explain why the date was changed. The humorous video was set up as an episode of Troy's and Abed's fake morning show "Troy and Abed in the Morning!" They explained that October 19th is not just a date, it's a state of mind. Watch the video below for a better explanation:

So, for the uninitiated, Troy is the african american and Abed is the middle eastern. And for those of you who are wondering, Annie's Boobs is a monkey.

Oh, and I have that mug! I'm such a nerd. :p

Until Next Time...:)


  1. I feel the same way when two shows I liked watching had similar fates because networks can't figure it out. When they rebooted Thundercats into a new series it ended up doing well. Then all of a sudden CN doesn't want to deal with it anymore because it's not the wonky material they have on there now. The animated Avengers series ended up getting cancelled too because they felt viewers could not handle a central plotline. Basically, networks just suck.

    1. It just irks me that the networks do this too people. I have a feeling they will cancel this show by next year, because they always cancel the good ones first.
