Friday, August 24, 2012

RR: "Dark Knight Rises" Reaction, FUBU, and Home

Hello, and welcome to another exciting edition of Random Ramblings! (Or RR as I like to call them) Now that I think about it, maybe this post isn't 'exciting' or maybe not even an 'edition.' (Not sure if a blog post classifys as an edition, but whatever.) Anyway, Here we go!

'Dark Knight Rises' Reaction
It's been just over a month since I saw "The Dark Knight Rises" at midnight in the theater in my hometown, where I work. (There will be a post about my job some day readers. For those of you who have worked with me at the theater, you've been warned.) My heart goes out to all the families who lost someone in the Colorado Theater shootings. What that guy did is just sick, and he deserves to get his ass kicked by...BANE! (haha, you thought I was gonna say Batman :P)
As for the actual movie: Bane was awesome, it was long, and didn't live up to the hype of it's predecessor. I know, I'll probably make some enemies with this statement, but it is NOT the best movie I've seen this year. That title still goes to The Avengers. All in all, if you haven't seen "The Dark Knight Rises," Go out and see it at least once.
Notice how I didn't leave any spoilers for you?

In early July, I was in need of a pair of tennis shoes, so I went to Wal-Mart, where an awesome pair of shoes caught my eye. The photo above is said shoe.
I have come to the conclusion that this shoe is the cheapest made shoe in the history of footwear. It's sad when said shoes is coming unstitched after only two weeks of wearing them.
That is why I warn you all: Do NOT buy shoes with the word FUBU on them. They are a waste of your hard-earned dollars (or welfare, if you don't have a job.)

In conclusion for this R.R., I'd like to give a big shout out to all the High School Graduates who are now leaving for college. I know a lot of you have been counting down the days. I've heard it many times: "I can't wait to get out of this town!" I heard this line myself in my senior year, from the guidance counselor of all people. (When I said I had no plans for college, she responded with "Don't you want to get out of this town?")
At the time, I didn't think Elkader was really all that. Five years later, I've decided that Elkader is, and will always be, my home. I was born here, and chances are I will die here,and I'm OK with that. Elkader is my home.
So I say to all of you seniors that are leaving now, so glad that you're gone, you'll all want to come back. Someday when you're at your job in some big city, you'll decide to move back out here. Back where you came from.

Until Next Time...:)

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