Tuesday, August 13, 2013

This is Sand

How many of you like artwork, but are completely talentless when it comes to art??

I kind've fit into that club. I've tried drawing/sketching, painting, etc, but it always ends up the same: looking like it came out of some crappy cartoon. :p

Then, theres the reallly talented people who can do art with sand. Or Sand Art. This could be simply sculpturing out of sand, or (for the overly talented) using colored sand on a flat surface to make a picture.

I've always wanted to try this flat-surface sand art, but if I screwed up, I'd most likely toss the unfinished project across the room and proceed to then sweep sand from my floor for the rest of the week.

Then I found this website:


This is some of the coolest stuff I've done in a long time. I'm able to change the color of my sand as many times as I want, and I can spread it anywhere on the screen (canvas.) Plus, no messy clean up! :)

Below is my first attempt, where I was pretty much just throwing color combinations around:

Then I took that light blue/white combo and made a piece of artwork that I call 'Icy Mountains.'

So, I seem to be getting better at pictures that actually have a point, so I guess that's good. Anyway, I urge you to try it out! I'm sure you'll be hooked in minutes.

Until Next Time...:)


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