Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Goals for 2013

First off, before we start today, I want to give you all a big shout out! Thanks to you, my readers, my last post has become my most read blog post ever!! I want to thank all of you for this amazing milestone. You are all awesome!! :)

So, some of you may have made New Year Resolutions. These are the goals we always set for ourselves in the new year. Typically, I don't make any because I have yet to succesfully keep them. Pretty lame excuse, huh?

This year, however, I came up with a few goals I'd like to keep: Finish my novel being top on my list!

I've gotten away from writing lately. I really hope to get back at my finished novel, and finish all of the edits, and hopefully pursue getting it published.

Also in this year, I hope to get started on a new novel. I have a whole ton of ideas floating around inside my head, so all it takes is to put to pen to paper and get started.

Some of my other goals are more pointless, really. Last year, I failed to meet my goal to read 100 books within the year, ending up with only 98. (So close...)

So, I extended the goal to 105 anyway, and really hope to hit it this year, but only time will tell if we can reach that milestone.

Also, I saved $800 on books last year by getting them from the library rather than buying them. So, I figured we could save just a little more this year. Let's try for $1000. I've already, just this month so far, saved $74, so this goal seems probable.

Finally, with an Epic Quest coming up in April, I hope to get to know some of the people I call Facebook friends a little better by inviting them on this adventure. I haven't really decided on anybody yet, except I will obviously be there, as well as Bob, because it's just not an Epic Quest without him. :p

So, good luck with any resolutions you may have made this year! We'll see how I do.

Until Next Time...:)

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