Friday, September 2, 2011


What is hope?
According to the dictionary, hope is defined as: A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
Everybody has had some hope or desire in their life, but not everybody has actually achieved that desire, whatever it may be.
I think most of society as a whole has grown spoiled, thinking that we should get whatever we want whenever we want wherever we want from whoever we want. (whew!) Also, most of us probably think that we shouldn't have to work too hard for a certain thing, namely because of the reason above.
The fact of the matter is, we can sit around as much as we want hoping something will happen...and it won't. Trust me. If you want something, you have to work for it.
An example, I've been working on writing a novel for three years now. I hope to be published by my five year class reunion, a goal that, with only ten months to go, seems more and more unlikely.
However, I'm acting just like a lot of other people. I'm currently sitting on my manuscript, hoping it will get published, and I haven't even sent it to an editor, let alone a publisher.
The main reason for the lack of activity, is probably the fear of rejection. However, in just sitting and hoping for it to happen, I'm only wasting time, and am not getting any closer to overcoming that fear of rejection.
I know, I'm kind've ranting on and on here about my own problems, and i doubt thats why you're here. Too make a long story short, Stop hoping for something to happen, make it happen.
Until next time :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wow, completely forgot about this...(Why blog?)

So, I was recently on a friends blog that I haven't checked out in forever, and I realized...'Don't I have a blog somewhere? After a little searching I came back across the blog I created in January. I'm sure I lost a lot of you potential followers a long time ago, but hopefully I'll do better from now on.
So this brought me to the train of thought of, why blog at all? I mean most of the people I know wouldn't take the time of their day to talk to me, so would there really be anybody out there who would "want" to read my random ramblings.
The answer is...I don't know. That is completely up to you, people of cyberspace and fellow bloggers. If you like what you read here, leave me a comment...
That is, if I don't forget about it again...

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I'll be using this blog to give you all a glimpse into my head. I hope that the posts that follow entertain you, teach you, whatever. Anyway, more to follow, and thanks for taking the time to check this place out!