Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Have You Read My Blog Today???

Greetings to all of you in cyberspace!! I'm BACK!!

Seriously though, it has been far to long, so I decided it's time to return to ramble randomly. If you're reading this, thanks! If this is your first time here, Welcome! If you've been here before, Welcome Back! :)

So, summer has finally arrived. It wasn't looking likely for quite a while, as it rained nearly every day in May, and in the first part of June. The weather seems to have finally straightened out somewhat. I've been able to have the cookout I wanted to have, and it was a blast hanging with some really cool people!

Unfortunately, it's hay season. I never really liked baling hay and stacking it. I still don't, but it hasn't been too bad this year...yet. This is only the second day, so that could change here in about a week.

My reading goal has been going well. As of right now, I've read 51 books so far this year, putting me close to halfway towards my goal of 105! The only downside is: some of the books I've read this year have been less than stellar. I've struggled through a couple this year, but I pushed on and finished them...and then preceeded to get rid of them. No need to keep a book that I'll never read again.

Novel writing hasn't been going to well. As a matter of fact, it hasn't been happening. Some friends and I, (all of whom are writing) have formed a supergroup called the NOVELATION 3!!! We even joked about all of us writing individual novels, and then having our individual characters meet up in a combined effort. Kind of like what Marvel does, only in written form. :p

Oh, and it was recently my birthday. I didn't really ask for much, but the one thing I did ask for, I got. 'Silver Linings Playbook' on DVD!!!!! :) I still freaking love that movie!

Well, that's it for now. I'll be back next week with a new post!!

Until Next Time...:)
